Cozy Time DayCare


This social networking policy applies to all staff members employed by Cozy Time Montessori Academy

State of Social Media

Social media, professional networking sites, rapid fire sites, blog sites and personal websites are all useful forms of technology.  Every employee has an opportunity to express and communicate and Cozy Time does not wish to discourage an on-line presence.  However, our stance on social networking policies is that they are for personal use only and should not be accessed while a staff member is at work.  Above all else, we need to use good judgement as to what makes its way on-line.  This policy will set forth guidelines that all employees must follow for all on line communications in reference to Cozy Time.

Relevant Technologies

This policy includes (but is not limited to) the following specific technologies:

  • Personal Blogs
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • My Space
  • Personal Websites
  • Text Messaging


Any materials presented online in reference to Cozy Time by any employee is the responsibility of the poster.  At no time should any posts be made in reference to any children, parents or other professionals that employees may come into contact with through work.  Employees are prohibited (other than the Directors of the Company) to post pictures of the daycare, event pictures or pictures of children.  Any employee found to be posting comments or remarks that breech the Confidentiality Policy of Cozy Time and the employee’s signed contract and/or are deemed to be detrimental to Cozy Time or other employees is grounds for immediate dismissal.  These guidelines also apply to any former employees who are found to be in breach of the Confidentiality Policy and their signed employee contract.

Topic Matter Guidelines

Cozy Time’s employees are asked to use the following guidelines in social networking practices:

  • Remember no information sent over the internet is totally secure and as such if you do not wish the information to be made public refrain from sending it over a social network site.
  • Even though you think you are anonymous or use an alias you may be recognized.
  • Maintain honesty, professionalism and respect.
  • In order to maintain professional boundaries staff should not accept personal invitations to be friends from parents or send invitations to parents that attend Cozy Time unless they know them in a personal capacity.
  • Staff must not publicly mention any of the children from Cozy Time while online.
  • Staff must avoid writing indirect suggestive comments about Cozy Time on their social networking sites e.g. “I’ve had a bad day at work”.
  • Staff must not publish photos of the children on their online profiles.
  • Staff must not publish photos of other staff at Cozy Time on their online profiles.
  • Staff must not publicly write anything about other staff members on their social networking sites.
  • Staff must not use their mobile phones to text message, take photos or go on social networking sites during working hours and while at Cozy Time.
  • Staff must not mention any of the companies that Cozy Time works with on their social networking site. 

Company Sensitive Matters

Any on-line communication regarding proprietary information such as layoffs, strategic decisions, or reduction of working hours deemed inappropriate for uncoordinated public exchange is forbidden.

Table of Contents

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9222 Keele Street, L4J 5A3 Vaughan, ON


+1416 602 3811


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Feel Free To Contact Day Care Centre Cozytime Today

Cozy Time offers full time options for each program. Cozy Time opens at 7:00 am and closes at 6:30 pm
