It has become a troubling issue for many parents on the type of daycare service that suits their children’s needs. In fact, most parents do not know the actual difference between a licensed daycare and home-based daycare service. Is your quest for why licensed daycare better than home daycare? Are you pondering on the benefits of a licensed daycare service over home-oriented daycare? Well, in this article, you will discover detailed and comprehensive information the basic advantages of a licensed daycare over home daycare.
Prerequisite About A Licensed Daycare And A Home Daycare:
Child care centres usually have some unique features that other services cannot offer. Most licensed daycare centres have more kids, which can extend from twenty to one hundred and fifty children. One amazing thing about licensed daycare centres is that children are separated or categorized according to their age groups. Preschoolers are categorized to one unique group and all babies as well. Licensed daycare comes with a plethora of institutionalized feelings and larger facilities. The staff base of child care centres is larger as high as thirty plus and lots of teachers or caregivers. This is just an eye opener to how a licensed daycare service looks like.
On the other hand the home daycare centres is the direct opposite of licensed daycare service. With home-based daycare, children of different ages are put together in just one place. You will see fewer kids, especially between three and twelve. Home-oriented daycare centres have smaller facilities with a kind of home-like environment. Typically, you will find one to four teachers or caregivers in a family child provider service.
Profound Details On Licensed And Unlicensed Home-based Daycare:
Many people can easily start a home-based daycare service without being licensed. However, both licensed and unlicensed home daycare providers cannot be categorized as the same. Without any iota of doubt, licensed home daycare centres usually take into consideration the development requirements of children, nutrition, safety and health. In the case of an unlicensed home daycare, the level of critical consideration of the basic factors may not be present or available. The most excruciating thing is that about eighty percent of children are often cared for in unregulated and unlicensed home-oriented daycare centres. The truth is that these unlicensed home-base daycares may not be illegal. However, the way people see or categorize them to a licensed home-base daycare is different. Unlicensed home daycare is subjected to just one regulation, which implies that the number of kids in the environment should only be five for children under the age of ten. Time and again, children under unlicensed home-base daycare often fall ill and this may eventually lead to death. This is simply because the level of scrutiny for licensed home daycare is different from unlicensed providers. For this reason, many parents are caught with the nagging question of differentiating between unlicensed and licensed home-oriented daycare. In fact, some parents often marvel on how to apply the best measures in selecting the right caregivers.
It is important to know that licensing does not mean a caregiver is providing a quality service. The truth is that top-notch child care plans emanates from education and information from the part of both the caregiver and the parent. However, you can always find some decent independent or well-established caregivers. The basic problem for an unlicensed home daycare is the requirements to get started. Another problem associated to unlicensed daycare is the actual people that will watch over them. Parents may not have the opportunity or time to do the inspection themselves. In most unlicensed home daycare centres, you may be prone to hearing undesirable stories and tales. In fact, some parents complain of the number of children exceeding the normal allowance and even the unsafe environment that kids are exposed to. The problem with parents is that they cannot really find another service to provide the best solution. It can be a Herculean task to selecting the perfect provider and weighing home daycare alternatives. This is highly overwhelming for to be parents. One of the ways to get started is by knowing or considering the minimum requirements for creating a licensed daycare service. With this idea, parents will be able to determine the right factors to consider when searching for a reliable caregiver.
The Benefits Of Licensed Home Daycare Over Unlicensed Daycare:
- With both licensed home daycare and care centres, there is a governing association and law monitoring their operation. For instance, the Day Nurseries Act helps to monitor the operation of licensed home daycare in Ontario, Canada. These agencies will help to constantly monitor, approve and screen home-based providers. This will help home-oriented daycare service to provide solutions that suit the required standards.
- Another great advantage of licensed home-based daycare providers is that they must be certified in CPR and First. These service providers should be medically fit and undergo a police check. The regulatory agency will ensure that home-based daycare environments are properly checked and remain smoke-free to ensure appropriate sleeping space, eating surrounding and playground.
- Home-based daycare caregivers should ensure that proper safety measures are arranged for children. This can be protecting all furniture and blocking stairs by using gates. Liquor and medicine should be kept in a day place where children cannot reach. There should be clean supplies stored within the environment of children.
- The Day Nurseries Act makes a space for proving age-appropriate programming to the advantage of children. The act also mentions that at least one hour should be given to children for rest. Two hours of outdoor activity should be given to children and as well as nutritious meals.
- Most licensed home-based daycare services are expected to accommodate only five children. Three of the children may be under the age of three and two under the age of 2. Within this age bracket, the home daycare provider’s kids will be counted among the children in the facility. If any licensed home-based daycare operates out of the stipulated regulation, then such service is considered illegal. This is not applicable to an unlicensed home-oriented daycare caregiver.
The Service Of Monitoring Agencies On Licensed Home-based Daycare Providers:
Agencies usually check on home daycare centres without making any prior announcements. This is often done once in every three months. The Ministry of Education officers usually inspect all private-home daycare agencies and licensed daycare centres once in a year. People who operate unlicensed home daycare service may not have in mind to work against the rules and regulations of the business. The actual problem is that they may not be sufficient enough in resources to operate like licensed home-based daycare caregivers.
Another thing to know about unlicensed caregivers is that they want to control their finances and daily routine. This means that these caregivers usually like to be paid directly by children’s parents. In the case of licensed home daycare services, it is the responsibility of agencies to collect fees. A percent of the cover costs will be used on equipment, office staff, liability insurance and the rest sent to the provider. For instance, if a caregiver in Ontario charges four hundred dollars for kids under the age of three and 200 hundred dollars for those above three. The agency may decide to take thirty percent for equipment, office staff and liability insurance. The liability insurance will always help the caregiver to have peace of mind while operating.
How Parents Can Improve Their Child’s Condition In Home Daycare Center:
For parents to improve the condition of their children in home daycare centres, it is important to carry out some drastic actions. Listening to your children is one of the tools to help them improve their condition. Parents can as well provide spare time to frequently visit their children in the daycare centres. This will help to know other children and their parents. Depending only on the effort and service of the caregiver may not be enough to improve the condition of your kid. This implies that you have to be at the centres with your kids, time and again. The truth is that no government regulation or inspector will be able to provide comprehensive information about any home-based daycare centres.
It is a good idea for parents to interview both unlicensed and licensed providers. Parents should visit the centres to see how their children interact with the caregiver. If possible, you can contact references and referrals to know if a given caregiver is professional enough for the job. The fact a caregiver is licensed does not guarantee that they will provide quality service. There are some daycare services without property living condition for children. Some daycare centres are dirty and operate under dark homes without gates to protect children. In fact, some caregivers don’t know anything about CPR or first aid. For instance, home-based daycare provider may decide to remain indoors without allowing a child at least one hour of outdoor activity.
Parents should be well-educated on the requirements of operating both licensed and unlicensed daycare service before hiring one. Some unlicensed caregivers that have worked with professional companies may end up providing the best service you want. A good sign that your child is not comfortable with the caregiver is by wailing after being dropped off. Total engagement is what most parents need to know how their children are doing with a caregiver. Spend sometime after dropping your kid and see what occurs in the aftermath. Ensure to see what your kid is doing when you drop them off. With is approach, you will be able to decide or know if your kid will spend another day in the daycare centres.
Listen to your instinct as parents when selecting a daycare centres for your kid. Nurturing, fun and safety should be some of the factors that parents should consider when hiring a caregiver. Ensure to select a special caregiver that operates within the age limit of your kid. This will help the caregiver to provide the maximum service your kid needs to remain safe, happy and growing. Remember that some daycare services may only be able to handle children in a specific age limit. Parents should not focus on the certificate of a caregiver. This may not guarantee what you actually need to improve the condition of your child. With these comprehensive factors, parents will be able to find the right caregiver that suits their kid’s needs, time and again. In fact, it will help parents to reduce the stress, effort, time and resources to take good care of their kid. You can give it a try now.
Questions To Ask A Caregiver:
- Are there outdoor and indoor activities for children?
- Does the caregiver have liability coverage for kids?
- Are outdoor and indoor activities a daily routine?
- Will the caregiver help to train children in toilet activities?
- What is the minimum level of experience that the caregiver posses?
- Are rules for children to obey while in a caregiver’s facility?
- What are the age limits of children in the daycare?
- How many children are allowed in a caregiver’s facility?
- How many the caregiver handle challenging behavior?
- Are balanced and nutritious snacks and meals served to children?
- Does the caregiver have any CPR and First Aid training experience?
- What happens when the caregiver is not available?
- Will there be other people around in the facility during daycare operation hours?
- Will there be pets in the caregiver’s facility?
- How are the pets in the facility compatible to the daycare service?
- Are the pets wild or domestic for children’s liken?
- Is the caregiver police checked?
- Will people in the facility be liable to smoking during daycare hours?
- Is the caregiver healthy enough to care for children?
- Does the caregiver have any challenging illness?
- Will children be subjected to regular outings?
- Where are children taken to for outings?
- Can caregivers provide referrals of both past and previous customers?
- Will the caregiver take children out with care or other means of transportation?
- Will the caregiver operate an open-door policy for parents?
- Are parents allowed to check-in to monitor their children?
- Are children allowed to access the internet, play games and watch television?
Factors To Consider When Selecting A Home Daycare Service:
- What are the play materials for children?
- Will the caregiver be able to handle your kid and other children at the same time?
- Does the daycare facility have a proper fire exit in case any problem arises?
- Is the place where children play or sleep safe enough?
- Will other children be engaged and happy while the caregiver attends to your kid?
- Is the furniture in the facility secure for children?
- Is there any fence around the facility used for the daycare service?
- Will there be latches on doors or gates around the stairs?
- Will the daycare facility be clean, neat and bright enough for children?
- Will proper precaution be taken to ensure the safety of children?
- Will the facility have the typical appearance of a daycare service?
- Is the daycare centre close to community centres, parks or public libraries?
- Can parents access what children will eat or place where kids sleep?
- Will the kid’s playground inside the facility or outside.
Have you decided to take your kid to a daycare service? How can you select between a daycare centre and a home daycare? Do you really know why licensed daycare better than home daycare? Well, if these questions are causing a huge problem in your mind, then you have landed on the right page. In this paragraph, you will have the opportunity to see why licensed daycare better than home daycare.
Licensed Daycare Centres:
With daycare centres, the childcare solution provided is done outside of the facility in the likes of a building, school, church, and a community environment. The facility is specially owned or rented for the particular reason of taking care of children.
Pros Of Licensed Daycare Centres:
Structure: With daycare facilities, children are provided frequent activities and programs in the likes of sing-a-longs, story time and craft day. Some licensed daycare services may take children to places such as zoo or the library.
Consistency: During set hours, you will find daycare centres operating from Monday through Friday. If there are holidays or certain special events, daycare centres may decide to skip a day or two. Parents will always find workers available in a daycare facility. Irrespective of the availability of workers in daycare service, there is always an alternative arranged by the property owner or manager.
Safety: Daycare services will have to obey every regulation provided by their ruling body or association. Daycare services will have to only hire workers that have comprehensive knowledge of the First Aid and CPR. These services will also follow the rule of experiencing frequent health inspections and having insurance coverage to cover personal injury, liability, motor vehicle & medical expenses.
Social: Children are placed into categories in any daycare centre. This helps a kid to socialize effectively with their equal.
Additional Benefits Of Licensed Daycare Centres:
- Better in-house video cameras for surveillance and secure entrance
- Children are well-educated by professional caregivers
- Technology is used to improve the learning of children. Daycare centers have smartboards, iPads, and computers
- Daycare centers are more like a school-like environment and well-structured. These centers are highly advantageous for older children planning to go to kindergarten
- There are enrichment activity opportunities in daycare centers. This can be found in the likes of foreign language classes, music, dance and soccer
- Daycare centers have an educationally planned curriculum. This will help to encourage emotional & social development, language development and literacy
Cons Of Daycare Centres:
Illness: Children can be affected by germs easily.
Cost: For many families, it is highly expensive to negotiate with a daycare center. In fact, it is evident that private daycare centers usually tend to be more expensive than other options. This is because the daycare owner will have to pay for food, utilities, insurance, worker’s salaries and even rent.
Large Numbers Of Children: Daycare centers usually attend to large groups of children at the same time. If your quest is for an intimate arrangement, then this option may not be your choice.
Inflexibility: If you not prompt to picking up your kid, some daycare center will charge extra fees.
Home Daycare Facilities:
For home daycare service, the childcare is usually provided out of the provider’s property or house.
Pros Of Home Daycares:
Cost: When compared to other child care programs, home daycares remain cost-effective.
Small Groups: With home daycares, a small number of children can be attended to at the same time. This implies that children are often given a considerable amount of time and attention.
Family Feel: Most home daycare services usually operate like a family-owned business. With this method of child care, your kid will have the opportunity to conveniently mix or socialize with other children of different age limits. It exposes your children at a fast pace. Most people operating home daycare service are parents. This means that your kid is in the right hand.
Flexibility: The drop-off and pick-up times are flexible with home daycares.
Cons Of Home Daycares:
Absence Of Structure: There is no unique structure available for most home daycares. These services may not have the resources to handle all children of different ages at the same time. Home daycares are not the best if you are looking for school environment for your kid.
Absence Of Backup: Your kid will not be able to receive any care of the caregiver is on vocation of falls ill. You will have to wait until the caregiver resumes.
Space: One unique feature of home daycares is that they are designed with an intimate setting. However, the space used for home daycares is always limited. Parents who are searching for a large space may not enjoy the home daycare setting.
Safety & Security: You may be forced to determine the security and safety of your kid when using home daycares. However, only licensed home daycare services operating with agencies can guarantee the security of children.
Can you see why licensed daycare better than home daycare? With the comprehensive information in this article, you will agree that licensed daycare offers a gamut of benefits to both parents and children. If you are looking for a top-notch licensed chilcare service that cares for your child, then Cozy Time is the best place to visit. The concept of respect and teamwork is beyond the relationship between our workers and parents. We do not compromise quality service for cost.
You can give Cozy Time a call today for more information.